Gulliver travel successfully passed a transitional external audit


Once again, Gulliver travel receives confirmation of high-quality through ISO certification 9001: 2015

(Dubrovnik, November 22, 2019) Following an external audit by Det Norske Veritas Adriatica Ltd., Gulliver travel received an ISO 9001: 2015 certificate on November 19, 2019.

Gulliver travel has once again received confirmation of the quality of work processes. This periodic audit confirms the high level of management quality that is in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015 certification. This is of utmost importance to us, as we consider high quality to be a necessary precondition in the destination management companies where the product is geared to services that are specific to the field of certification and quality assessment.

In addition, through the certification of ISO 9001: 2015, Gulliver travel further strengthens its position as a leader in setting new trends in destination management, as well as striving for a high level of quality in the tourism segment in Croatia.